Local food at Ban Klang Phatthana, Ban Laem District

Last updated: 6 Sep 2021  |  3980 Views  | 

 Local food at Ban Klang Phatthana, Ban Laem District

Baan Klang Phatthana

     Baan Klang Phatthana: Muslims place to taste processed beefBaan Klang Phatthana It is a Thai Muslim village with various professions and living together in peace.Consists of the Charoong Islam Mosque, Central Mosque, Islamic Cultural Center Royal Project, a farm crop demonstration center Visited Pu Yen Tao, the selfies, the new agricultural project theory of the village headman. Combined agriculture, sample farms, slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, and learning bases: figs, guava, lime ponds, cement, vinegar, smoke.

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